
Investor Relations FAQ


History (company overview related)

When was the company established?

The company was first established as Daiichi-Kogyo Co., Ltd. on February 10, 1950 (Showa 25).
The company name was changed to NIPPON THOMPSON CO., LTD. in August 1963 (Showa 38).

What is the listed market of the company and when (what date and year) was it listed?

In October 1963 (the 38th Showa year), NIPPON THOMPSON CO., LTD. listed its stock on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
In August 1967 (the 42nd Showa year), the company listed its stock on the Second Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.
In June 1968 (the 43rd Showa year), the company transferred its stock to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Securities Exchange.
In March 2003 (the 15th Heisei year), the company delisted its stock from the First Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.

Please explain the origin of the IKO trademark.

It originates from the company’s very first name, Daiichi-Kogyo Co., Ltd. Currently, the motto of NIPPON THOMPSON CO., LTD. is ‘Innovation, Know-how, and Originality.’

What are the company’s consolidated subsidiaries?

There are six consolidated subsidiaries in total: one domestic company (Nippon Dic Co., Ltd.) and five overseas companies (IKO International, Inc. (USA), Nippon Thompson Europe B.V.,IKO-Thompson(Shanghai)Ltd., IKO Thompson Asia Co.,Ltd. and IKO Thompson Vietnam Co., Ltd.). More information such as company names, business activities and contact details is available here.


When are the company’s business results announced?

The year-end financial results are normally announced in mid-May.

Those for the first quarter and first half are announced in early August and mid-November,respectively. The plan is to announce the third-quarter results in early February. Please refer to the "IR calendar" for upcoming announcement dates.

Where can I find recent financial information of the company?

Please see here for the latest financial statements.

Where can I find the company’s past performance records?


What is the company’s securities identification code?


Who is the shareholder list administrator?

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
Please click here for details.

Who should I contact to make inquiries about dealing with the company’s shares?

Please contact Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited (toll free: 0120-782-031), or click here.

Does the company offer any special benefits for shareholders?

Not at present.


What is the company's bond rating?

NIPPON THOMPSON CO., LTD. was rated with "BBB Plus(BBB+)" for Long Term on January 26, 2022 by Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd who is Bond Rating Agency.
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